Author Archives: the4symbols

The 3 Triangles – Update

Check out the updates on The Three Triangles. Next post we will add information on Duality. Stay tuned, comments are always welcome. Patrice & Linda

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Foundation and Knowledge of the Human Being

We have added one section on the Human being – Foundation and Knowledge. Next will be an update on The 3 Triangles. Stay tune. Any comments are welcome. Thanks, Patrice & Linda

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The Knowledge of the Human Being

We have added one section on the Human Being – The Knowledge. Next will be about Knowledge/Foundation of the Human Being. Stay tune. Patrice & Linda

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The Foundation of the Human Being

We have added one section on The Human Being – The Foundation. Next will be about The Knowledge of the Human Being. Patrice & Linda

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Website update

We have updated the website. Take a look. Patrice and Linda

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The Four Levels and The Three Triangles

We have added two sections on The Human Being – The Four Levels and The Three Triangles. Have fun reading. More to come…

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More information on The Four Symbols

More information on The Four Symbols and The Human Being. Remember, our book, You are here is available for download. Have a great reading. More to come…

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The book “You Are Here” is available for download

We are very pleased to announce that the book “You Are Here – How do you deal with fear?” is now available for you to download. Just click on the Download Tab on the menu bar. We are very interested … Continue reading

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Welcome to The Four Symbols

This site is still under construction. We invite you to look around. We will be explaining a lot more about The Four Symbols as we go along. See you again soon. Patrice & Linda

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